A young lad from Garjam in Orissa, Pradyumna is near the end of his battle. Having braved through 10 sessions of chemotherapy, 22 sessions of radiation, and a surgery; Pradyumna’s fight against cancer is almost over. Diagnosed with a solid tumout at the age of 7 at Hariyar Hospital in Orissa, like hundreds of other families, Pradyumna’s made their way to Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. They’d been referred to Access Life by a social representative.
Pradyumna has no complaints with life at the AL centre in Thane. He’s made great friends with the other children at the centre- they play for hours at an end. His family, however, is concerned he might exert himself too much. To them, a calm and safe environment was crucial; and Access Life goes the extra mile to provide it. They’ve toughed through the initial upheaval in their lives when they learned of the tumour and are almost at the end of the tunnel.
Pradyumna displays an eager predisposition towards science. The doctors, to him, are heroes. His plans for the future are currently set at becoming a scientist, and finding a cure for cancer. Pradyumna’s mother hopes his treatment ends soon so he can concentrate on realizing his dream. Optimism, positivity, and faith are perhaps the three most important values they’ve held.