Nainesh is a curious one-year old. You’ll see his eyes darting across the room at all times, as he tries to piece together the world he’s in. To his family, there is nothing more precious in the world. They connected with Access Life in May 2018- one of our newer families. Having travelled from Shirpur in Maharashtra, their story captures our hearts.
Mid-April 2018, Nainesh had been diagnosed with cancer at the age of one year and eight months- he’d be visiting the hospital while children his age were beginning to speak and run around. Being referred to Mumbai from the Indira Hospital in Shirpur, they, like many other families, arrived at Mumbai looking for an answer. Nainesh has been through one surgery and a cycle of chemotherapy. Their experience at Access Life has been “amazing”, says Nainesh’s father. They consider themselves fortunate to receive the support they’ve gotten from all the other families, through their time.
The Access Life approach to cleanliness resonates with them on a personal level- in fact, the family thinks it should be mandated across their entire village! Their biggest hope, at the moment, is to keep their child fit, fine, and educated. Nainesh’s father strongly believes in the power of education, and will pledge all he has to make it possible. Positivity, according to him, is the key to endurance.