Access Life Assistance Foundation

Rehman Raza, 4yrs, Male, Jharkhand

A four-year-old from Dhanbad in Jharkhand, Rahman loves exploration. Left alone by himself for more than ten minutes, one would be sure to find him wandering off in another room.In February 2018, Rahman was diagnosed with blood cancer at Rani Private Hospital, in Ranchi. They’d been referred to Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, for better treatment. He’s undergone three surgeries and two chemotherapeutic sessions since. Rahman’s family connected with Access Life shortly after, in March 2018.

Seeking help in Mumbai wasn’t exactly a joyride for them- the very first issue they came across was the language barrier.However, after clearing the first hurdle, things were looking up. Their stay at Access Life, though marked with numerous hospital visits, has been quite pacific. The environment has proved very supportive and nurturing- Rahman’s progress is remarkable. Getting through the initial stage was probably the most difficult phase for them, says his father.

Rahman’s family hopes to provide him with the best education possible- he dreams of being a doctor, someday. Why? “I want to give injections”, he says, with a beaming grin.

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